I always try to look at both sides of this question. I just don't think the legislation that is being proposed is really going to make a huge positive difference. They are focusing more on insurance than they are the actual cost of health care. Where are health insurance companies going to make up the cost?? The American public is going to see a huge increase in premiums. Middle class families are, as usual, take the brunt of all increases.
This plan is going to be a glorified medicaid program. The problem there is, the states already can't afford the medicaid programs they offer already. The feds are going to sign the "wonderful" public option for those that can't afford commercial plans, but as usual the feds will make the states responsible for paying for such programs.
The entire thing is a mess. I do believe/wish all Americans should have access to health care. I've been down the road of having no insurance and it's not a fun one, especially if you do get sick.
I think we need to look at keeping commercial insurance premiums low. Insurance companies and attorneys are the problem. We need to address the issues of outrageous law suits and outrageous increases in premiums. I was paying 300.00 a month two years ago for my family. Our premiums are now 540.00 a month. This is with a 5600.00 deductible!!!! That's insane.
I don't have the answers, but I do think were looking in the wrong places to make a positive difference. Most people don't mind paying for health care, but goodness, they shouldn't have to go broke to pay for it.
Oh, and before I go, where are the feds going to get the money to pay for this outrageous program?? MEDICARE!!!! Medicare is the whipping boy of congress. Most people on Medicare are on fixed incomes. These are the people that typically need the coverage most. The mentality of government truly amazes me at times. Then again, Congressman are covered for the rest of their lives by their own Government healthcare. No doubt their coverage is far supreme from the one they propose to sell to you and I.
What does it take for the American people to take a stand for themselves? We all just sit back and watch Congress pass their pork filled bills. Crazy!!!!!!!
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