Monday, July 21, 2008


Do you ever just sit back and just thank God for all that is good around you? I have been blessed with so much. I'm not rich but I have an awesome family who so far all remain healthy. I live in a small house in a beautiful town that I frequently take for granted. My kids are both active and fortunately they enjoy the same things I do. I work with some great people who make my life much easier.

Our business is doing well and people that were once colleagues have become good friends. In fact the other day I got a personal call from one of the local surgeons here in town. Normally they are calling because they have either a question or a request for a patient. This doctor actually took the time out of his busy morning to say "Thanks for all you guys do. You make my life and the workload of my staff much easier and I just wanted to say we appreciate you."

Needless to say that made my day. To have a super busy physician personally call and say thanks was just a super compliment. On top of that, poor Mike was on call when Whiteriver Hospital called at 2:00 in the morning. He had to drive 30 miles to take oxygen to a patient who was actually already getting oxygen from another company, but they wouldn't answer the phone. The cool part was that when Mike arrived at the emergency room to see the patient, the chief of staff of the hospital was there. He too complimented the heck out of us. Even better, the hospital had some outstanding bills that we were having problems getting paid. The following Monday.....they were paid in full.

I'm finding that most of the time I'm enjoying work more and more. The marketing is becoming easier and not because I'm getting used to it but like I mentioned earlier, most of the people that send us our business have become, what I consider good friends. The billing is and likely always will be a huge hassle. Dealing with insurance companies is never fun.

Our weekly Bible study is going well. I'm learning about how little I actually know. It's not really the book that were reading that I enjoy but the insight from others in the group. I think all of us are growing closer in our walks with Christ and that's a pretty cool feeling. I find myself wondering, if He came tomorrow, would I be ready? The thought of that scares the heck out of me. I've got so much work to do.

A very good friend, whom is in the study as well is battling with the decision to become a high school baseball coach. In his mind, it's a sure thing. What better way to share the Life of Christ with young athletes. It's the enormous amount of time that it takes away from his family that is the problem. Him and his wife have two children, one being a newborn. The time away has been tough on the wife. I can totally understand both sides. I'm not very good at prayer (I'm working on it) but I hope God will give them an answer soon. They are such a cool couple with great values. I must say though, if I could pick someone to coach my kids, it would be this guy. His knowledge of the game is so impressive. I've seen some emotions from him at the Bible Study that I haven't seen in a long time (we were childhood friends). He's got a sincere love for God and his wife and a true love of the game as well. I know for most this would be an easy choice but it would be like my giving up cycling. It's not going to happen. There's surely some middle ground that both can find happiness with.

Man, I've really babbled on. I gotta get back to work. See ya.

Thanks for reading

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