Friday, August 1, 2008

Will My Butt Survive

It's 10:30 Colorado Time and I just arrived at my hotel in Cortez. I'm on my way to Gunnison for the start of the Colorado Rocky Mountain Bicycle Tour. Normally I would be anxious to get on my bike but with all the muscle issues I've been having, I'm concerned with finishing all 487 miles. The 3rd day of the ride is 100 miles with 60 miles of climbing. Climbing is what really seems to aggravate the muscle pain. I guess what they have come up with is an overuse issue of the piriformis muscle as well as the gluteus minimus. I've got a leg length discrepancy that they believe is the cause of the problems.

I was concerned about even going on the ride as I didn't want to cause any long term damage. My doctor called me and said that I should go ahead and give it a try. He said it may even do some good (though I doubt this) with some good stretching after each days ride. I brought along my muscle stim and so far this makes the biggest difference. I put the four electrodes around the sore area on my butt, and shock away. I used it for the four hour drive and it made an unbelievable difference. Normally my back would be killing me but the drive wasnt bad at all.

I'll leave in the morning for the 4 hour drive to Gunnison. I'll check in then put up my tent and get settled in for the day. Sunday is the first day of riding in which I believe we ride to Hotchkiss Colorado which normally should be an easy 78 mile ride, but we'll have to see.

We'll I guess thats it for now. I'll try and write a little more in the morning before I leave. Good night.

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