Tuesday, December 6, 2011

OSSM Staff

Ok this weight thing is becoming pathetic. I weighed in at a thin (not!!) 183lbs!!  Are you kidding me!!??  I'm 20 lbs over where I would really love to be.  As of last Friday, I'm doing really well with my 1500 calorie a day diet.  I'm still amazed at how quick it adds up, but I definitely feel more knowledgeable about the foods I eat.  I was reading an article in Consumer Reports yesterday and it was giving a brief look at how many calories were in a variety of drinks.  A white chocolate mocha from Starbucks.....a whopping 700 calories!!  That's just crazy!  A chocolate peanut butter shake from Stone Cold Creamery....1700 calories:),  A full days calories in one drink. 

With my disappointing weigh in yesterday, it brought about a little more motivation.  So yesterday I think I only took in 1200 calories, went to the gym at noon, and then rode the trainer last night for about an hour.  Great day as far as diet and workout are concerned.  

I'm preparing for the 3rd annual Alpha Oxy-Med Weightloss Challenge and will be updating the site soon.  I believe we're going to start around the 2nd of January and go till April 15.  We had an OSSM turnout last year and hope for even more this year. 

Well  I had my first accreditation meeting with my staff yesterday.  One thing is for sure....I sure love these guys.  I'm just blown away at how above and beyond they all go.  We had a van do down yesterday and without even asking one of them took it upon himself and had it going by mid morning.   I'm not sure they know how much I appreciate them, but I do my best to let them know all the time.  Last week was Christmas bonus time which I try to save for all year long.  I love the Christmas season and I enjoy giving my staff as much as possible.  I had Denice hand out the checks as I was home all week working on policies.  On Friday I get a call from one of my drivers, about in tears, thanking me for the bonus.  Well by the end of the call, he had me in tears.  His gratitude was so heart touching.   Everyone here is so giving and caring.  I just found out that Michael (one of my drivers) took hours out of his Saturday to go visit one of our patients that live way out in the middle of no where.  He wanted to be sure they made it through the storm ok.  How OSSM is that?!!

This Friday we are having our first Christmas dinner as a company.  It'll be great to have everyone and their families together.  I'm really looking forward to it.   Christmas will be here before we know it.  Make the most of the season.

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