I think I'm finally getting skinny. I'm still doing really good with the diet. I weighed in yesterday and lost 2lbs over the weekend. My only sweets have consisted of a handful of Good and Plenty's:) . Other than that, it's been fruit, some rice, and a piece of broiled chicken. As I mentioned earlier, I had a good ride on Saturday with some friends but didn't ride at all on Sunday. I got home yesterday with the intention to ride the trainer but had a major headache. I relaxed for most of the evening then finally around 9:30 pm I talked myself into riding just a little. Well that didn't last long. I think I got in a total of 15 minutes before wimping out. But all was not lost. My wife and I made a deal to get up at 5:30 and she would run for 1/2 hour on the treadmill and I would ride for 1/2 hour. Surprisingly we actually got up and stuck to the deal. I ended up riding for about 40 minutes. I've got 8 lbs to go before the Ironhorse.
This is miniscule compared to what most of you have lost. I feel like such a pansy, but hoping to change that real soon. I hope to at least give a few of you a run for your money. Do you realize there are only 39 more days left of the challenge?? I'm anxious to see how many pounds some of you lose. It's impressive how well everyone is doing.
Ok now I have to get on my high horse for a few minutes. Has anyone been watching the uproar in Wisconsin? The unions are whining about being asked to pay a little more for their healthcare and their pensions. They are being asked to contribute 5.8 percent to their pensions and 12.6 percent to their health care. Currently, educators pay 0.2 percent for their pensions and 4 to 6 percent of their health care costs. Every state in the union right now is broke!! They are whining about having to pay 12.6 percent for their health care costs? I would love to only pay 12.6!! Heck I would love to only pay 15%. People, We are broke!!! What part of cutting spending do people not understand. For the last 3 years, the govt has cut our reimbursement almost 18 percent. I'm not whining and I'm not out picketing. Oh and I have to pay 100% of my insurance. Did you hear what the average pay was for a teacher in Wisconsin?? $50,000!!!!!! Our teachers would be in heaven with that kind of pay.
Ok I'm done complaining for now. I'm sure I'll think of something else to whine about later. Hope you all have a good day.
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