Friday, February 4, 2011

Tights and Socks

Oh it's finally Friday!!!! This has been a super long week and I am so far behind (not that I'm ever caught up).  We're doing our last interview today for Janelle's job.  It will be good to at least make a final decision.  My big goal for the day though is to find my desk.   You would never believe it by looking at my desk, but clutter drives me nuts. 
This is what my desk currently looks like.  The small  cleared out piece is only because I pushed everything from one side to the other.   I'm in and out of the office so much, I just run in, throw paperwork down then head back out.   It will look better by the end of the day.  I try to live by the notion of "touch everything only once", but so far I have yet to master it.  Typically all I end up doing is moving piles from one place to another.  They are still the same piles, just sort of relocated.  :)   BW, if your reading this, don't give me heck!!  Oh and hey!! Do I get your kid on my LL team this year?? 

So is everyone cheering on the Packers this weekend??  Dan has proceeded to teach my 2 year old to say "Go Steelers".  I've tried teaching him Go Packers, but so far no luck!   I'm not a big Rothlisberger fan so I'm for the Packers all the way.  Lombardi will be looking down from heaven and cheering on his hardworking Packers. 

I'm going to weigh in when I leave the office today.  My goal by the end of the weekend is to lose 3 lbs. Uhhhh ya whatever. It's SuperBowl Sunday!!!  Ya can't watch the SuperBowl without food.  Maybe I'll just eat a lot of celery sticks.:)  I'm feeling pretty chubby lately so I need to get serious about this.  I can't let all these women kick my butt at losing weight.  Heck, even Speedo Sporter and The Man are working me over. 

Oh and here's a final thought that will make you all nausious.   We all know it's been beyond freezing this week.  Well I've only got two pair of long johns.  Seeing as how I'm not going to do laundry every other night, this morning I decided to wear a pair of my cycling tights under my pants.  Now if your on a bike, nobody really seems to say anything about how unattractive tights are on a guy, especially a guy with wimpy girly legs like mine.  Well it was another one of those mirror moments.  I was getting dressed, first the tights then the socks, and then the mistake of looking in the mirror.  Dear Lord, I looked like a complete idiot.  I'll be 40 years old this year and things are starting to look that way.  I want a six pack!!!   No, not of beer, but I want some abs!  Not that I'm stuck on looks but if I could just lose this little saggy gut (doesn't that just sound wrong) I would be much happier.  I doubt though that no matter what I do, nothing is going to make me look better in just tights and socks:)    (maybe a blindfold)

1 comment:

April said...

Go Dan !!! Steelers are going to take this easily !! Nice job on the tights...I think I shall call you peter pan from now on.