Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Shout Out to Mydietitian.

Typically I ask permission before posting any emails that I receive, but I'm hoping Someday Skinny won't mind if I share this one.  It's a great shout out to the MyDietitian program and is evidence of how much fun and easy dieting can be if you get involved.

I've deleted her weight goal just to keep people wondering:)   I've kept Rick's name (works with Mydietitian) in the email as he has been really great to work with and I don't think he would mind having his name out there (just  google it, it comes up all over anyways) :)

Wow!! Awesome! That is flattering and definitely very motivating!! Thanks for all the opportunities you're giving me! I'm on board for whatever I can be involved with, especially if it promotes AOM/MyDietitian!  This has been a great week for me and I'm hoping to be to xxx within a few months. Let Rick know I'm working hard to get there and I have some pretty ghastly before pictures to work with this year, but it's the after ones I'm working toward and excited about! :) People have already started commented on how quickly I've been able to lose the weight since having Remi and as much of a compliment as it is, all I want to tell them is, "Oh just wait 'till you see me this summer!!" And I had her in October and didn't even really start to lose anything (beyond the initial water weight that comes off) until the Challenge started in January! Just since using mydietitian (which has been what? A week?) I've lost 5 pounds!! For some people, that's all they need to lose! And I did it in a week! (I know that's not exactly what's recommended for healthy weight loss but Ashlee (my dietitian) is working with me to help make some healthy changes to my already drastically improved diet! I just need to eat more now...what?? Never thought I'd say that while trying to lose weight! :)
I'm sure that had I had this tool while I was pregnant, I wouldn't have gained so much weight. I gained about 25 lbs in the first seven months of my pregnancy and 30 in the last two! I got extremely lazy with counting my calories and didn't pay attention to whether I was having my first bowl of ice cream or my third. This is SO easy, I would've had NO excuse! All you do is take a picture!!
Anyway, off the soapbox. I'll keep letting ya know how things are going. I got the HR monitor yesterday and I'm excited to bust it out today!
Thanks again for everything!!!

So, there ya go.  It's a pretty cool program.  If you can manage the $2.30 a day, then I think it is absolutely worth it.    

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