Thursday, January 6, 2011

Spuds and Feisty

I was just given permission to post a text I recieved yesterday.  You will so learn that Feisty Fatty is married to Idaho Spud Muffin.  They are one very fun competitive pair.  Anyway here's the text I got (I substituted real names with Challenge Names)

"I took my kids to taco bell for lunch (I had a taco off of the light menu).  When I saw Spuds he informed me that maybe I would lose more weight if I didn't eat at taco bell.  So, If he doesn't show up at work tomorrow just know that he is dead and I killed him"

Oh my gosh, when I got this text I was laughing so hard I was crying.  I wish I could post all the conversations I have with these two.  They are hilarious!!!! 

I just heard Spuds has lost another two pounds (understand that he had a tooth pulled two days ago) on his jello diet.   We gotta pick it up people.  There's no way we can let this guy win.  AndiBean and H Skinny, lets step it up a bit!!! :)

If I haven't heard from you, please fill me in with how the challenge is going after 4 days.  Send me your goals, progress, whatever, I'll help push you!!!  As I'm sure Spuds will too.

Have a super day.

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