Monday, January 7, 2013

Up and going early

Its only 6:30 and I'm ready to go. Showered, had my coffee (no creamer today), read my morning verses (reading James this week), and now getting my kids up for their first day back to school.

I have an 8am meeting with my staff, then its hitting the day head on. Gonna weigh in sometime this morning. As I mentioned earlier, I'm thinking I'm a bit heavier then I originally was, but I'm not sure. Its going to be yogurt for breakfast and instead of a chicken sandwich, I think I'm going to go with a little Tuna. Less carbs for now until I start seeing some progress. Probably a banana for snack.

Well I need to get out of this recliner and go get the kids up (looks like my wife is beating me to it). Have a super morning! Oh and hey! If you are working with patients today, for every patient you talk to, for that brief moment, give them 100% of your attention. Whether they are nice, grouchy, whatever, just put your heart into it and see how your day goes. Don't think of the clock, don't think of the rest of your day. Hold a hand, listen to their story. Live in that very moment. I guarantee your day will be a thousand times more meaningful and enjoyable.

Have a great one!!! Smile!!!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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