Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Busy A$$ Morning

Holy Cow, what a day.  I had already planned what I was gonna write today, but walking through the door at work today changed all that.  The day isn't even half over and my morning as been consumed by meetings, calls to accreditor, reviewing policies, and dealing with this major headache. 

I did take a moment to weigh in though and have lost a total of 5lbs.  Not too bad for 2 days.  I'm a bit hungrier today, but I expected that.  The morning was rushed from the moment I woke up, so my only choice for breakfast was once again my celery with peanut butter.  I managed to cook me up some chicken breast as well, which I will be eating here in a sec for lunch.  I believe if I can work through the hunger for a few days, the body will adjust.  I'm just used to grazing all day, so it will take a while to get used to.  My lovely mother though (who does our billing) just bought like 3 lbs of homemade fudge which is currently sitting on her desk.  Now that's just cruel. 

I'm hoping the day will calm down a bit as the lunch time workout really helps me regain some focus.  Not to mention I hope it will alleviate this headache. 

So for now, sorry for the super boring can wake up now.  I'll try to post later what I was going to post earlier.  Something about the allowing or not allowing other peoples moods to affect your own.  Something to think about...........

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