Thursday, January 12, 2012


Humbling! Only 30 minutes to go.


Anonymous said...

Rosie Odonell called.....She wants her double chin back !!! ;) Love ya man !!


Pedaldork said...

Good one! She actually wanted yours but with all that peach fuzz u have growing on, she went for the next best thing.

Anonymous said...

Careful there buddy....with those backstreet boys highlights.....she might want you for her new girlfriend :)

Pedaldork said...

If only u had hair to highlight:). Maybe they can highlight your fore head;).

Anonymous said...

Are you saying that you have more hair ??? Back hair doesn't count there Ape man :)

Pedaldork said...

No I'm just saying that when u have 4 inches of forehead u might want to look into a transplant or something:).

Anonymous said...

I think all of those highlighting chemicals have started to go to your brain :)

Pedaldork said...

Man I just got back to the office!! Holy crap I look old!!!!!